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Where an investment will then be made into entities that will be either expanding or starting manufacturing activities. A collective scheme by individuals will also be explored.

The preference will be to access permanent equity and convertible funding.


Globally the business of pharmaceutics is changing rapidly and this refers to two major shifts that are disrupting the sector. As populations grow a greater demand for healthcare needs to be met.

  1. This causes governments and medical insurers to scrutinise costs and require transparency and more affordable medicine prices
  2. The second disruption consists of a change from reactive to prevention healthcare which will attract new entrants to the market and unsettle the balance of the market shares.

There are 159 Pharmaceuticals manufacturers supplying to the private sector. However, importers are dominant, with international companies providing the largest numbers of products.

Thus, creating the opportunity for an investment into pharmaceutical manufacturing will ultimately disrupt the market and cause local growth instead of foreign.