
The fund will partner with private sector players. It will also collaborate with NPO or NGO, especially in the delivery of the services. Government partnerships will create a great value proposition for the fund. Funders will be rewarded based on the performance of the fund. The convertible funders will be repaid where the companies invested in are profitable, together with the predetermined returns.

Permanent equity funders will participate in the profits of the fund along with the fund manager at a determined ratio


There is a common misconception that a business that aims for the double bottom line of impact and financial returns have lower returns. However, academic research has long proven that what is good for the people and the environment is also good for business performance.

"A 2015 study by Friede, Busch, and Bassen (ESG and Financial Performance: Aggregated Evidence from more than 2,000 Empirical Studies, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment) found a positive relationship between investing along environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and corporate financial performance in around 90% of the more than 2,000 empirical studies conducted between 1970 and 2014."

There is also now empirical practical evidence built over the last 10 years that shows impact investment funds returning double digits and above comparable portfolios.